Here’s How Chiropractic Care Can Help You Be More Active
We’ve all seen the “Sitting is the New Smoking” stories circulating online and in the news in recent years.
(You may have even seen a story or two talking about how chiropractic care can help you be more active like this one.)
Whether it's running, biking, swimming, lifting weights, or doing yoga, these days many people are focused on leading more active lifestyles.
They’re looking for ways to spend less time sitting and more time moving.
They’re scheduling blocks of time each day to complete a workout routine or to just be up on their feet and out of the house doing something they love.
We all want to be more active, and sometimes we forget that a big part of that is making sure our bodies are able to handle it!
Bottom Line:
You've heard it before: regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your physical and mental health.
It’s no secret that living an active lifestyle helps promote better overall health.
Helping you maintain how well you can bend, twist, jump, and move overall is a big part of how chiropractic care can help you be more active.
Daily physical activity/exercise can help you…
● More reliably manage your weight.
● Lessen your likelihood of developing certain health challenges.
● Reduce your overall stress levels.
● And improve your mental outlook.
But, if you're like 80% of people (yes, 80% of us!), you might not be getting enough physical activity each week.
And you might very well be one of the many living with daily aches and pains that keep you from being as active as you would like to be.
That’s where we come in.
As the go-to full-service, full-body adjustment chiropractor in Oklahoma City and Edmond, we’re here to help you get out of pain - no pain medications required.
Why it Matters:
Chiropractic care has been part of the wellness conversation worldwide for well over 125 years.
So, exactly how chiropractic care can help you be more active?
The primary focus for chiropractors is movement-based care.
We’re all about “move better, feel better, heal better.”
Just like it’s no secret that living an active lifestyle can help improve your overall well-being…
It’s no secret that when your neck, arms, shoulders, upper back, lower back, hips, legs, knees, ankles, or any part of your body isn’t “stuck”, you just feel better.
You have one less thing weighing on your mind, you feel less “run down”, you have less of a need for those over-the-counter pain medications, and you have one less reason to cancel your plans.
So, how do we help keep your body moving at its best?
Read on.
How Chiropractic Care Can Help You Be More Active
Let’s start with Movement 101.
Chiropractors focus on improving your neuromusculoskeletal function with spinal manipulation and other natural, movement-based techniques.
Your overall health is influenced by three types of movement…
Segmental: how well your body's individual joints move.
Regional: how well your neck, low back, arms, and legs move.
Whole body: how well your whole body moves.
Here’s how…
● Segmental Movement: Regular chiropractic adjustments can positively influence the function of your nervous system, help decrease aches and pains, and help relax your muscles.
● Regional Movement: Regular stretching can help to improve your range of motion and biomechanics and your energy levels.
● Whole Body Movement: Daily exercise can help to improve your mood and your sleep and help to lower your risk of chronic disease.
When you’ve spent some time reading about how chiropractic care can help you be more active, take the leap to finally see a full body adjustment chiropractor in Oklahoma City and Edmond and give us a call, you’ll hear us say it time and time again…
Move better. Feel better. Heal better!
Next Steps:
Millions of people make new year’s resolutions to get more active each year… and each year, they might come up just a bit short.
It happens.
But this year, you have the tools and resources to succeed!
Together, we covered some common-sense steps for setting health goals and some simple ways to start cultivating a more positive mindset earlier this month.
And now hopefully you understand just a bit more about how chiropractic care can help you be more active and the role it has to play in helping you finally meet and exceed your resolutions for the year ahead (whether they’re new or not!).
With the proper support, your body can thank you in so many ways.
So, if you’ve been sidelined by chronic aches and pains, let us know.
As the go-to full-body adjustment chiropractor in Oklahoma City and Edmond, we're here to help you get healthy and stay healthy so you can stay active and reach your goals!
Science Source:
How Often You Should Exercise. Cleveland Clinic. 2022.
The Use of Spinal Manipulation to Treat Injury. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2016.

Roy Hansen
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